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Our COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

Pittsburgh Runners in Bakery Square

Updated  February 14, 2022

Your safety is of utmost importance to us. Below are the protocols and guidelines we have put in place to ensure all runners feel as safe as possible. This list is subject to change by the CBRC Board. 

CBRC closely monitors all guidance from local, state, and federal authorities, and the Center for Disease Control regarding COVID-19. The safety of our club members and all runners who join us are the top priority. 

Please read below on the required protocols we have put in place:

  • If you were exposed to COVID-19 or have tested positive, we ask that you do not not attend any runs for 10 days from the date of your exposure. The day of your exposure is considered day 0. 

  • Unvaccinated participants are required to wear a face covering while congregating before and after runs and maintain a distance of 6' from others.  

  • Participants from high-risk groups for COVID-19 complications should consult with their physician before participating. 

  • Do not engage in traditional forms of physical contact (hand shakes, high-fives, hugs, etc.).

  • Always maintain social distance guidelines. 

  • Do not spit or "nose rocket" your nose in public. 

  • Do not share personal items, such as hydration, energy gels, towels, etc. 

  • Participants will be asked to pre-register for runs in the event contract tracing needs to occur. 

  • CBRC leaders will maintain the confidentiality of a member who notifies them of a positive test. 

Participants whose actions do not meet expectations and/or are creating a risk for themselves or others may be required to exit the group temporarily or permanently by a Board member.

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions regarding our COVID-19 protocols

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